Stories that make you smile, laugh and cry. A real life story of family, friends and parenting.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Penis Obsessed

My son is obsessed with his PENIS! I am seriously at my wits end here. HELP! He pulls it out of his pants, pull up what ever he is wearing and plays with it. He runs all over the house playing with it until it is big and hard and then he likes to shake it around like he is so proud of it or something. I tell him it's not the time or place and he gets all mad and screams at me "my pee pee" "I play with pee pee. It's mine!" Then he runs around the house screaming "I play with pee pee". Is this normal? I want to say yes but I am seriously embarrassed when visitors come over and I can't get my sons hands out of his pants long enough to say hello.

HELP HELP HELP! The other day my sister and her family came over and Tyler was sticking his pee pee (penis) in my 1 year old nieces face. I was mortified but I didn't make any excuses for him. I kind of felt like I should have though. I think my brother in law was kind of getting upset with it, but what was I supposed to do? Should I have got all upset and put Tyler on time out? I feel like I yell at him all day long now to add one more thing to the fire just might drive me crazy!


Shawna said...

I am so glad I have a little girl. Sorry I have no clue about boys. Good luck with that one.

Rachel said...

Well I know my little one is constantly playing with his penis but sticvking in anothers face..well that is a new one for me. But then again, Max is only 1 years old.

misguidedmommy said...

do you know what i've been saying to brandon all day




know what my husband says


well fuck you very much dear

Katy said...

I have no idea what you can do but I have just decided that I DO NOT want a boy.

Lainey-Paney said...

My son is 2. He just learned that it's difficult to tee tee in the potty w/ morning wood.

He's pretty penis obsessed himself...although he is not yet pulling it out to show everyone. (thank goodness!) Although, I'm sure it's completely normal & in our future.

As far as your brother in law goes: let him judge now...we'll all be hoping that his next child is a boy & that he gets to go through the same phase!

Hang in there.

Christy said...

Is this what I have to look forward to? Little boys are weirdos.

Anonymous said...

I had NO IDEA the male penis obsession started so young. Having only a sister I would never know this.

I can see your can you make a 2 year old understand? I'm guess repeating the fact that showing off is not okay to all who visit.

Jen said...

Ok.. sorry, but: Bwuahahahahahaaa!!

Ok... I am now CURSED because I just laughed. Yep. My son will = DEVIL at age two. I know it. Dang.