Stories that make you smile, laugh and cry. A real life story of family, friends and parenting.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dr. Appointment Update

Okay so I had a Dr. appointment this morning and this is what she said:

I'm still one centimeter but my cervix is soft. The babies head is really really low and I have lost my mucus plug. I'm due January 11th and I have appointments scheduled for Jan 3rd and Jan 10th but she doesn't think that I'll make it to either of them. She was upset that I had lost 3 pounds since my last check up but since I was sick and everything she could understand why. She told me no more weight loss and that I better be eating like 6-8 times a day small snacky meals. Easy for her to say since she isn't the one that has to make me food. How do I con my hubby to come home and make me food every couple of hours? I think I should probably hit up the grocery store first since we have like no food in the house right now! Maybe that is why I keep eating brownies for breakfast! There you go. That is the update.


Jen said...

OMG Brownies... Mmmm... Whoa- hang in there (I just linked to you from Shan's blog)- I just had a baby 2 weeks ago- so I SO FEEL YA on the whole WHEN IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN thing...

I so hated it when people told me to 'hang in there' though. I suck at advice right now..

But omg brownies... mmmm..

misguidedmommy said...

cant brownies be divided into six meals

Christy said...

Your baby will be born so soon! I bet you're anxious and excited. Keep eating those brownies, and I am sure you'll gain a few pounds.

Shawna said...

OMG I haven't been over here for awhile, did you have the baby? You lost your mucus plug Wednesday? I am thinking you are in labor by now. Hope everything is going well. Keep us posted.

misguidedmommy said...

dude the point of a blog is to post