Stories that make you smile, laugh and cry. A real life story of family, friends and parenting.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

He's a Big Brother Now

Okay so I've been absent for awhile but there has been a lot going on. I promise I'll get back to writing. Some of us aren't as good of jugglers as Shannon when it comes to baby #2. I'll return soon so keep checking back!

Addie is Here!

Finally she is here and a week early just like her big brother. Life is a little more crazy yet so much more at peace, it's so hard to explain. I'm doing GREAT and for it being more than likely our last baby I had an awesome labor experience.
On Saturday Jan. 5th we were hanging out at my inlaws house doing some laundry when at about 5:15pm my water broke. I felt a little leak and leaped up from the couch, slipped on the hardwood floor on the blanket that I was laying with and took a hard fall. Not exactly a graceful way to get to the bathroom! I think I was even laughing at myself telling the rest of the room I'm not crazy or clumsy but my water just broke. haha!
I wasn't feeling any contractions at that point so we decided just to slap one of Tyler's diapers under me and wait a little while. In the mean time I sent Phil home to get our hospital bags. With in 45 mins my contractions had kicked in pretty good and I was ready to go to the hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital at about 7:30ish they monitored me and checked me...4 centimeters, 80% and at 0 station....FUCK YEAH! Here we go! By 9:30pm I was at 6-7 and very uncomfortable...Epidural please! Complete with her head almost making an entrance by midnight and ready to push at 12:30am. 15 mins of pushing with the nurse and another 15 with the doctor and Addie made her grand entrance into the world. Born January 6th 1:04am 7lbs 3oz and 20 inches long. Beautiful!
It was so different this time. It was just Phil and I in the room besides the nurse and the doctor and I had not once ounce of pain. Addie came out, they put her on my chest and I got to clean her off. I was so excited and she was so beautiful that I was just enjoying the moment and breathing her in that I wasn't overwhelmed with tears, fears and emotions, just love for my baby girl. Really a beautiful experience. Everything felt so complete as she cried and looked into her mommy's eyes. I love her so much!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Years Everyone!

I know I'm a little late but Happy New Years to everyone!

We brought in 2008 with kisses and an apple cider toast for two, but it was kind of lame. Phil says this is the last year we are this pathetic. Sorry honey but at almost 10 months preggie I'm not about to just jump off my ass put on my highest heals, dance my booty off and get wasted. I know he never expected that of me but doesn't it sound like sooooooooooo much fun?! God this baby needs to come out! I really need a strong drink to calm my nerves! "Yes, waiter I'd like a Gray Goose Martini extra cold, extra extra dirty (like me!) with 3 olives" THANK YOU!!!!

Anyone have any new years resolutions out there? I think I swore off resolutions days ago but this year I may bring some up for myself. Here they are all 10:

1. To have more patience
2. To try and find something new every month that makes me a better mom (an activity, information, a new discipline technique...etc.)
3. To fully potty train Tyler (it's true what they say about moving and big family changes. It makes them take a step or giant leap backwards)
4. To breastfeed Addie for 1+ years. (I made it to 8 months with Ty so I'm going for a little longer)
5. To start with a personal trainer after my 6 week dr. clearance
6. Go back to school for a month for two days a week starting March 1st
7. Get my license for skin care
8. Stay on top of improving our credit
9. Get a raise at work (I am soooooooooo worth it!)
10. Lastly I'd like to at the after summer but before winter fully sets in move back to the Sacramento Area.

I hope that I'll be as successful as I think that I will but hey I have a whole year to do most of it. Wish me luck!!