Stories that make you smile, laugh and cry. A real life story of family, friends and parenting.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Brownies For Breakfast

I have a problem. I could have made breakfast this morning but no the brownies that I made last night sitting on the stove were oh too tempting. Yeah so I ate almost half the dish. I'm shocked that I haven't gained like 80lbs this pregnancy. I want, I need , I crave chocolate. They were so yummy and now my hubby is complaining that they are almost gone. Oh well you snooze you loose when it comes to food or chocolate around a pregnant woman!


Christy said...

I was obsessed with M&Ms during my pregnancy. Maybe that is why I birthed a 9lb 6oz baby..

Anonymous said...

Just tell him the when HE carries your next child he can have all the brownies :)