Finally she is here and a week early just like her big brother. Life is a little more crazy yet so much more at peace, it's so hard to explain. I'm doing GREAT and for it being more than likely our last baby I had an awesome labor experience.
On Saturday Jan. 5th we were hanging out at my inlaws house doing some laundry when at about 5:15pm my water broke. I felt a little leak and leaped up from the couch, slipped on the hardwood floor on the blanket that I was laying with and took a hard fall. Not exactly a graceful way to get to the bathroom! I think I was even laughing at myself telling the rest of the room I'm not crazy or clumsy but my water just broke. haha!
I wasn't feeling any contractions at that point so we decided just to slap one of Tyler's diapers under me and wait a little while. In the mean time I sent Phil home to get our hospital bags. With in 45 mins my contractions had kicked in pretty good and I was ready to go to the hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital at about 7:30ish they monitored me and checked me...4 centimeters, 80% and at 0 station....FUCK YEAH! Here we go! By 9:30pm I was at 6-7 and very uncomfortable...Epidural please! Complete with her head almost making an entrance by midnight and ready to push at 12:30am. 15 mins of pushing with the nurse and another 15 with the doctor and Addie made her grand entrance into the world. Born January 6th 1:04am 7lbs 3oz and 20 inches long. Beautiful!
It was so different this time. It was just Phil and I in the room besides the nurse and the doctor and I had not once ounce of pain. Addie came out, they put her on my chest and I got to clean her off. I was so excited and she was so beautiful that I was just enjoying the moment and breathing her in that I wasn't overwhelmed with tears, fears and emotions, just love for my baby girl. Really a beautiful experience. Everything felt so complete as she cried and looked into her mommy's eyes. I love her so much!
Wow, Congratulations! She is beautiful. I'm glad your birth process went so smoothly although I'll admit I am a little jealous. I hope my second one goes that smoothly when the time comes.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you!
Oh she is just beautiful. Congratulations!!
hilarious u used tys diaper
OMG OMG OMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I can't wait to see more pictures! OMG!
Congratulations! She is so gorgeous. I am so glad that you are doing well. YAY!
he asshole post some pics
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