Woo Hoo, I made crab cakes for dinner. My husband LOVES crab cakes but I've always been to nervous to try and cook them. We had a whole bag of crab that my dad had brought over from a crab feed so I found a very simple recipe from Martha Stewart and decided to try it out.
Let's just say that they were sooooo simple and yummy yummy yummy with just the slightest bit of spice to them. Check out the pictures. I am proud of myself. I'm also just proud of the fact that I made dinner with two kids. Tyler tore up the leaves for the salad for me....what a big helper!
Here's the link to the recipe:
My little helper, Tyler
Fresh Crab Meat! I cracked it all myself!
Cooking in the pan
The finished product

Served with green salad this was dinner...yum!