Okay so I don't know what it is but I have begun to HATE everything and everyone! I need to get this baby out so I am a normal person again. What's that? How bad could it possibly be? Well let me make a little, no actually a long, very long list of everything that I am hating right now. I feel CRAZY!!
-the weather
-how it gets dark so early
-when my boobs leak and get that really uncomfortable tingle
-how maternity clothes still don't fit right
-when I pee only like 2 drops comes out
-seriously hate my fucking husband right now! ASSHOLE!!
-every 21 year old bitch that thinks she looks better than me
-how cold our house is and how we are too poor to be able to turn on the heater
-how I can't kick this cold that I've seriously had for over a month now
-how my daughter can't make up her mind and just come out already!
-there are so many things that I dislike about my son right now! He doesn't listen, he demands everything, he hits (with a fist), he jumps on my belly on my head on everything, he makes me cry because he says mean hateful things to me... etc etc
-Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Club House....I have watched the same ones over and over and over
-how fast the bath water cools off because of the fucking fan
-I can't paint my toe nails and yet no one offers to paint them for me
-how my boobs sag and rub on my belly....arrrr totally pisses me off!
-how my husband brought me pepperoni pizza and not cheese pizza
-how I cried because he brought me pepperoni and not cheese
-how my dog keeps fucking pissing in the house cause he won't go out in the rain
-how my fucking dog seems to think that my underwear are his fucking chew toys....arr
-the looks I get when I go into the labor and delivery now....it's like they are saying to themselves "she's back again"
-how my husband keeps leaving me home by myself with Tyler! Does he seriously expect me to chase him for 8 to 10 hours?
Oh the list could go on and on and on...but I'll stop before you all think that I am literally CRAZY!!